With its every latest version Microsoft brings some customization features in Windows, especially in its appearance. Though it always come up with some new and improved features but to be very honest, I don’t like all the changes come up with Windows.
But that is never a problem for me because I know how to customize the appearance of Windows on my computer system. Let me tell you about a wonder software, ‘1 Hour Software’. It is an excellent compilation done by Skrommeland I am calling it as wonder software because this provides some great solutions for the glitches brought up by Microsoft in redesigning Windows.
However most of the software compiled in 1 Hour Software were coded in Vista and XP days but I am going to tell you about those which work well on Windows 7.
1. Ghoster- This is an excellent Software to change the appearance of Windows in your computer system. This is extremely light and gets downloaded and installed in real-time. Ghoster dims every other window except the one you are working on.
If you are fond of watching movies on your laptop and also want your mail window open at the same time Ghoster will work best for you. It will dim all other windows except your movie player and you can keep an eye on any important IM or email popped in your account.
2. Fading Taskbar- This is somewhat similar to the Ghoster as it helps dimming some particular elements on your computer screen. What I feel personally is that I often get disturbed by the busy taskbar. It usually distracts me when I am busy doing some important work but when I use the Fading Taskbar, it fades my taskbar and the best part is that I can modify the transparency levels of my taskbar according to my needs.
3. TransOther- I guess the name signifies everything. It makes the inactive Windows transparent rather than making them dim or dull. It can be easily docked on your system tray and works well to let you focus on a single window with many other windows open. You can change the transparency settings according to your need. This tool works well but I feel that it distracts a bit.
4. ColorTaskbar- ColorTaskbar is a good tool to use but to be very honest it more distracting that TransOther. ColorTaskbar uses spectrum of colors to fade your taskbar away. This is quite compatible with Windows XP but not works well with Windows 7 and Vista.
5. DimScreen- It is yet another Windows customization tool in the line. The name itself is signifying that it dims down your screen. This tool can dim you screen up to 50%. Like the other tools I have mentioned you can change the transparency level and dimming percentage according to your suitability. As soon as you download and install this program in your computer system you will notice an icon in your taskbar and your screen will instantaneously get dim by 50%.
Among the above mentioned tools, Ghoster is my favorite one and I would definitely like to know which Windows customization tool you like to use.
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