Photography, unlike earlier times is fast turning into a bigger profession and art like never before. People are increasingly getting passionate about this field of art and profession. Many people, some for their passion and others for business, doing beautiful photography feel the definite need to share them. While sharing pictures, copyrights are a great concern. Many a times, photographers see their photos as represented by someone else. Here, comes the watermarking of images. For avoiding the loss of valuable online assets, one can mark them with symbols and signs, known as watermarks, which represent the identity of the actual owner. There are various applications these days used by various photographers to watermark their photos. It helps you to avoid disclosure thieves and keeping contents copyrighted.
One such application is uMark. uMark is a free application that can be easily downloaded. You can add hundreds of watermarks at one go with the help of uMark application. You can even generate thumbnails and convert and rename images. This application is one of the most popular on the web and becoming a favorite.
JACo is another free watermarking application. It supports almost all image formats including BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, WBMP. As watermarks for your images, you can use other images and texts using JACo. You can make the watermarks colorful. JACo also supports batch processing and enable/disable the anti-aliasing for text watermarks. JACo is definitely a great way to watermark numerous images.
Kigo Image Converter
Kigo Image Converter is also a great application for watermarking. With Kigo Image Convertor, you can change image formats, resize images, compress them, and add watermarks by batch. It is capable to process file formats including BMP, JPG, J2K, JPC, PNG, TIF, TIFF. It can be downloaded for free. It also supports various features like making thumbnails, batch conversion and previewing images. Kigo Image Converter is easy to use and pretty user friendly as well. It can also be used to convert files.
WatermarkLib is a professional free watermarking application which helps you protect your images from unauthorized use or any loss of online assets. It lets you watermark your photos with texts and images. With the help of batch formatting, WatermarkLib, helps you to create and edit your own watermarks very conveniently. This application is also easily available and can be downloaded. It supports all the image formats including JPEG, JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG, TGA, TIFF. With WatermarkLib application, you can even add date and time stamps on your digital photos.
Yet another application for watermarking photos is WatermarkImages. It is a free open-source project in Java. It is capable to watermark images with the help of texts, shapes and images. It is compatible with jpg, tif, gif, png, and bmp image file formats.
All these applications are a great way to watermark those beautiful pictures in order to protect one’s copyrights and keep their content safe and secure.
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