Facebook, the largest social networking site which has been dominating the social media for quite long now. Even the launch of Google+ could not do much harm to Facebook. Rather, it has been great for the users for whom the Facebook vs Google+ battle has led the social media giant, Facebook to introduce various new features to keep up with the competition or the so-called threat from Google Plus.
One of the new features that is coming out from Facebook aims at turning the social networking experience into an interesting one with the introduction of Music and Film ‘ticker.’
This Thursday, Facebook will unveil Music and Film ‘ticker’ which will be a real-time stream of what its users are listening to and watching online, which is going to turn this giant social networking site into a major entertainment destination on the web. I am personally quite excited about this feature and want to have a hands-on as soon as it is launched on 22 September at the F8 conference in San Francisco as part of the “read, watch and listen” theme.
Facebook is expected to partner with Spotify and Vevo who would be unveiling new Facebook apps which would allow the users to stream music and video within facebook without leaving the site.
Mark Zuckerberg is also expected to make major changes to the Facebook Like button which will allow developers to create their own buttons with verbs like “want,” “desire,” or “need.”
As reported by The Guardian,
Facebook’s 750 million users will be able to automatically share activity such as viewing, listening and reading in the live “ticker” stream, once they have opted in to the feature. The new stream will be separate from the existing Facebook news feed, although popular items – such as the most frequently played songs among friends – will appear in the column.
With the introduction of such awesome features, Facebook is making every possible attempt to make its 750 million users to stay on the site for as long as possible and I am sure this particular attempt of introducing the Music and Movies ‘ticker’ is going to be a hit among the users.
Listening to music and watching movies / videos is one of the most popular activities on the internet that you and me also do, and with both these coming to Facebook, imagine by how much is the average time spent by a user going to increase on Facebook Well, lets’ wait and watch
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